Where Christ is magnified
and Christian are edified.



Focus:  Our mission is seeking, equipping, and serving.to bring people to Christ.  We are committed to helping people find hope in Christ, equip Christians for service, and serve people’s and their needs.

Organization:  the biblical plan for mature church development is outlined in the book of Acts, Ephesians, and Timothy.  Through ministries at Fortieth we give members opportunities to develop critical leadership skills and “improve their serve” and ability to become elders or deacons.

Relationships:  Positive relationships with Christ, family, and each other are important.

Teach:  to transform lives of all members through dynamic biblical teaching that is robust, engaging, and inspiring.

Inspire:  We aim to inspire and encourage people to fulfill their potential as individuals and Christians

Effective and ethical leadership:  Effective and ethical leadership is the ability to model moral integrity while reproducing oneself through mentoring.  

Thanksgiving:  We express thanks to God through faithfulness and praising Him by offering living sacrifices-singing, praying, giving, reading, and commemorating His sacrifice for us on the cross.

Hope:  Our vision is to bring the hope of Christ to the world by being “the light of the world” within one square mile of our building and beyond

We value biblical truth, spiritual worship, positive relationships, genuine fellowship, and perpetual growth through continuous learning.

40th Ave COC